discover our story

who we are

We are a private sector training provider based in London with over 35 years of combined experience in delivering training courses.

We were founded in 2021 by Ewelina Pietka as a response to the post pandemic changes to the training sector. We upskill individuals who want to gain new qualifications in order to progress in their chosen career path as well as support the employers by offering bespoke training packages to ensure that their staff possess relevant skills required to deliver the highest level of services.

our mission

At Skills Room, we focus on creating opportunities that enable individuals to build a better future for themselves by acquiring new skills, improving their knowledge, and increasing their employability or business success.

We aim to upskill and prepare people to meet the demands of today's job market while fostering personal and professional growth. Our commitment is to empower and help them achieve their career aspirations and goals, which will benefit both the individual and the society as a whole.

our core values


Our main focus is on identifying learner's strengths, previously gained experience and knowledge in order to proactively support their further development. We believe the more engaged they are in the learning process, the more they will retain when they are at work. To achieve this we create bespoke packages tailored specifically to the learner's needs, which ensures that they gain the expertise required to grow as professionals.


We understand it can be challenging to complete a qualification around the family life or during the standard working hours, therefore our team is here, ready to support anyone during evenings, weekends and even public holidays.


We are a down-to-earth group believing in a straight-forward process, which allows our learners to focus on what really matters- gaining the knowledge. No question is too small or too big to ask. We are here to fully support anyone who comes through our door.


What sets us apart is our diverse team of educators that come from different backgrounds and possess varied competencies meaning they understand the importance of treating every individual equally and inclusively whilst recognising their needs and using that to their advantage to achieve the most effective and positive learning experience.

Ewelina Pietka

chief executive officer

"Learning is not limited to any particular level, but an endless journey towards greatness for all."


Ewelina is an experienced educator who has been working in the lifelong learning sector for nearly 20 years and has managed teams of tutors and trainers delivering ESFA funded projects. Her commitment is to support people of all backgrounds by providing the opportunity of personal development to help increase their employability and competitiveness in the market.